I specialize in holistic, non-toxic, and sustainable hair and self care. All chemical services are ammonia, PPD, and resorcinol free. An outer glow is a direct result of inner healing and liberation so I aim to provide you with the safest and most nurturing experience possible. It is my top priority to use our time together to help you awaken and free your most authentic self.
The more free we each feel--to be truly ourselves, in all our glorious diversity--the more freedom we'll demand for one another.
My hourly rate is $85/hour for all services. (Services 30 minutes or fewer are $45. My hope is that hourly pricing simplifies the experience for all involved. However, if you have questions about how this works or are still unsure of what to book after reading the descriptions, please feel free to send me a text message and I'll do my best to clarify.
Please only book my Custom or Bespoke Cut and Colors for your first service with me. It is imperative that we have time for consultation when we first meet and these service options should take care of that. When in doubt, feel free to text me or simply choose the longer option. You may also receive an intake form that should be completed prior to the time of your service if possible. Don't worry, it's not long. SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS ARE RESERVED FOR EXISTING CLIENTS.
If you haven't already, please read my social justice statement here before booking.
Although we seem to be beyond the most devastating time of pandemic life, we continue to reserve the right to ask ya to mask up or reschedule should the situation dictate. In this same spirit, if you need us to all mask-up for you, we absolutely want to and will do so. All you need do is note it in your appointment request when you book with me (or just let me know via text or when you arrive.) Trust that we are happy to do it. We want to continue to care for one another.
As ever, if you are experiencing symptoms of any kind of transmissible illness, please reach out to reschedule your appointment even if it is last minute.
If you are experiencing or have experienced transmissible illness of any kind recently, please reschedule your appointment for 5-7 days after the cessation of symptoms.
Only clients receiving services are allowed in the salon. Please plan accordingly.
PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE MORE THAN 5 MINUTES EARLY TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. If you must, please wait in your vehicle or visit our neighbors Fidel & Co. or DogEatDog until your scheduled appointment time.
If your child is under the age of 13 or is unable to sit through an appointment unattended, please only book for them on Mondays.
My policy is to only provide services to children belonging to established clients, however, if you are seeking gender-affirming services and a safe space for your child, it is not mandatory that you be my client first.
Learn all about my favorite line of organic, botanical, zero-waste styling and treatment products here!
Shop Oway and Original & Mineral hair and skin care products through my affiliate link here!
Shop my favorite line of botanical, healthy, detergent-free Cowashes. You won't regret making the switch!
Thank you for visiting Jess Mylo Creative! Please read on carefully. I update this place frequently to make your experience here as easy and efficient as possible. It is my ultimate goal to be transparent and to provide you with all the information you will need to ensure a safe and uplifting experience with me. If you still have questions after looking around, though, always know I welcome your messages or calls.